Commons-based peer production in art: Two cases from Greece


Full title: “Commons-based peer production and artistic expression: Two cases from Greece“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Wolfgang Drechsler.

Summary: This essay narrates, from a creator-observation perspective, the production of two works of fiction, a book of short stories and a play, based on the principles and technologies of Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This is potentially interesting from both the CBPP and the literary perspective. Even though both seem well-matched by their prima facie lack of profit orientation, CBPP case studies rarely deal with fiction, and regarding plays, artistic creativity is still mostly associated with one, maybe two. After tracing and analyzing the CBPP phenomenon, the case studies show concretely the fate of the specific projects as well as how, nowadays, people can involve in collaborative artistic projects inspired and catalyzed by commons-oriented principles and technologies.

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Visit the pages of the collaborative art projects “Matryoshka” and “The man with the spotted tie” and explore the wikitheatre platform where you can edit the latter (in Greek).