Transferring experiences from Community Network to Tzoumerka


In July 2017 a two-day event in Sarantaporo was organised which comprised ICT & Networking training for the locals and a discussion entitled: “Transferring experiences and technical know-how from Community Network to Northern Tzoumerka municipality, to assist in building their first community network”. A councilman from Northern Tzoumerka municipality was invited and participated in this event, along with members of P2P Lab.

The next step was to get funding for a three-day workshop in the region of Northern Tzoumerka. During the workshop we intend to build a basic CN infrastructure in cooperation with locals and share with them the relevant knowledge. In addition, best practices for building a special interest community will be discussed.

We are happy to announce that this project can now become a reality with the help of FundAction. More details can be found here.

Coordinator on behalf of P2P Lab: Vasilis Niaros