Peer production and desktop manufacturing: The case of the Helix_T wind turbine project

Full title: “Peer production and desktop manufacturing: The case of the Helix_T wind turbine“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Michail Fountouklis & Wolfgang Drechsler. Summary: Through the case of the Helix_T wind turbine project, this article sets out to argue two points: first, on a theoretical level, that commons-based peer production, in conjunction with the emerging ...

The 3Ducation project

Full title: “Open-source 3d printing as a means of learning: An educational experiment in two high schools in Greece“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis Niaros & Christos Giotitsas. Summary: This research project attempts to examine to what extent the technological capabilities of open-source 3D printing could serve as a means of learning and communication. The ...

Production and governance in hackerspaces

Full title: “Production and governance in hackerspaces: A manifestation of commons-based peer production in the physical realm?“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis Niaros & Chris Giotitsas. Summary: This research project deals with the phenomenon of hackerspaces and sheds light on the relationship of their underlying values, organizational structures and productive processes to those of the ...

The parody of the commons

Full title: “The parody of the commons“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Stelios Stavroulakis. Summary: This essay builds on the idea that commons-based peer production is a social advancement within capitalism but with various post-capitalistic aspects, in need of protection, enforcement, stimulation and connection with progressive social movements. We use theory and examples to claim ...

Urban reconfiguration after the emergence of P2P infrastructures

Full title: “Urban reconfiguration after the emergence of peer-to-peer infrastructures: Four future scenarios with an impact on smart cities“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Michel Bauwens & Vasilis Niaros. Summary: While peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructures seem to embrace more and more aspects of human activities, conflicts are taking place on the control and uses of the new ...

Commons-based peer production in art: Two cases from Greece

Full title: “Commons-based peer production and artistic expression: Two cases from Greece“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Wolfgang Drechsler. Summary: This essay narrates, from a creator-observation perspective, the production of two works of fiction, a book of short stories and a play, based on the principles and technologies of Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This is ...

The P2P manifesto

Full title: “P2P manifesto: Creating the world we want within the confines of the world we want to transcend“, written by Vasilis Kostakis.. Summary: How can we change our world nowadays? The P2P Manifesto argues that the change is taking place right now: New modes of production, governance and property are emerging from a pluralistic ...

The political economy of information production in the social web

Full title: “The political economy of information production in the social web: Chances for reflection on our institutional design“, written by Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: This research project is based on the idea that information production on the web is mainly taking place within either proprietary- or commons-based platforms. The productive processes of those two ‘workplaces’ ...

At the turning point of the current techno-economic paradigm

Full title: “At the turning point of the current techno-economic paradigm: Commons-based peer production, desktop manufacturing and the role of civil society in the Perezian framework“, written by Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: Following the theory of techno-economic paradigm shifts (TEPS), this study calls attention to the phenomenon of commons-based peer production (CBPP). In the context of ...

Bitcoin and digital currencies

Full title: “The (a)political economy of Bitcoin“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Chris Giotitsas. Summary: The still raging financial crisis of 2007–2008 has enabled the emergence of several alternative practices concerning the production, circulation and use of money. This essay explores the political economy of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Specifically, we examine the context in which ...