Urban reconfiguration after the emergence of P2P infrastructures

Full title: “Urban reconfiguration after the emergence of peer-to-peer infrastructures: Four future scenarios with an impact on smart cities“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Michel Bauwens & Vasilis Niaros. Summary: While peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructures seem to embrace more and more aspects of human activities, conflicts are taking place on the control and uses of the new ...

Commons-based peer production in art: Two cases from Greece

Full title: “Commons-based peer production and artistic expression: Two cases from Greece“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Wolfgang Drechsler. Summary: This essay narrates, from a creator-observation perspective, the production of two works of fiction, a book of short stories and a play, based on the principles and technologies of Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This is ...

A collaborative book about P2P theory

Summary: A collaborative book in Greek –edited by Vasilis Kostakis & Christos Giotitsas– with fundamental texts of scholars and activists on the P2P theory and the commons. Contributors: Michel Bauwens || David Bollier || Antonis Broumas || George Dafermos || Christos Giotitsas || Silke Hefric || Vasilis Kostakis|| Jakob Rigi || Graham Seaman || Johan Söderberg || Raul ...