Ongoing projects

The P2P Lab is working on the following projects: “Cosmolocalism” – A European Research Council project (site) “Exploring a post-growth political economy” (site soon) “Distributed Design Market Platform” – A Creative Europe project (site) “Centrinno” – An H2020 project (site) “Smooth” – An H2020 project (site) “T-Factor” – An H2020 project (site) “ComPra” – An Erasmus+ ...

Transvestment: Value and cooperation in the digital commons economy

Transvestment describes the transfer of value from capitalism to the commons. Thus transvestment strategies aim to help commoners become financially and socially sustainable and autonomous. This project includes: a research article/case study on the blockchain-based start-up, Backfeed (published); a research article/case study on the Enspiral Network (published); a chapter in T. Scholz’s and N. Schneider’s collective book on ...

Open-source technology in agricultural production

Summary: This project attempts to explore the open source technology (with a focus on hardware) for agriculture emerging from a mode of production different from the capitalist one, that of commons-based peer production. There are indeed several existing open source projects in relation to the primary sector of the economy, and particularly agriculture. This project ...

Think global, print local

Summary: This article discusses an intrinsic case study which demonstrates the convergence of decentralized online and offline ways of sharing knowledge. We describe a new techno-economic form of value creation and distribution in relation to the knowledge commons and the publishing industry. Moreover, the dynamics and challenges of an emerging commons-based copyright license, named Peer ...

Towards a new reconfiguration among the state, civil society and the market

This essay tries to outline the general aspects of a political agenda for a gradual transition to a commons-oriented, social knowledge economy. In doing so, we first articulate some transitional proposals concerning both the micro-economic and the macro-economic levels, shedding light on the concept of the “partner state”. Next, a discussion follows that attempts to ...

Design global, manufacture local: Exploring the contours of an emerging productive model

This article aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on post-capitalist construction by exploring the contours of a commons-oriented productive model. On the basis of this model called “design global-manufacture local”, we argue that recent techno-economic developments around the emergence of commons-based peer production and desktop manufacturing technologies, may signal new alternative paths of social ...

Cooperland: Infrastructures for social cooperation

Summary: Cooperland’s basic hypothesis is that a society in which there is citizen cooperation is a fairer and, ultimately, better. It is also understood that cooperation between different social agents currently faces several types of obstacles. Cooperland raises joint learning spaces between cooperative practices to promote their proliferation and enhancement. Project actions encourage citizen participation through ...

Towards an open co-operativism

Full title: “From the communism of capital to capital for the commons: Towards an open co-operativism“, co-authored by Michel Bauwens & Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: Two prominent social progressive movements are faced with a few contradictions and a paradox. On the one side, we have a re-emergence of the co-operative movement and worked-owned enterprises which suffer ...