Ongoing projects

The P2P Lab is working on the following projects: “Cosmolocalism” – A European Research Council project (site) “Exploring a post-growth political economy” (site soon) “Distributed Design Market Platform” – A Creative Europe project (site) “Centrinno” – An H2020 project (site) “Smooth” – An H2020 project (site) “T-Factor” – An H2020 project (site) “ComPra” – An Erasmus+ ...

Evaluating open hardware from an ecological economics perspective

Check this project.

A political ecology of the digital economy

Full title: “Towards a political ecology of the digital economy: Socio-environmental implications of two competing value models“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Andreas Roos & Michel Bauwens. Summary: This article explores the socio-environmental implications of two different value models currently competing for dominance in the digital economy: the neo-feudal cognitive capitalism (NFCC) and the hypothetical case ...

The materiality of the immaterial: ICTs and the digital commons

Special issue for tripleC: “The materiality of the immaterial: ICTs and the digital commons“, co-edited by Vasilis Kostakis & Andreas Roos. Summary: With an escalating environmental crisis and an unprecedented increase of ICT diversity and use, it is more crucial than ever to understand the underlying material aspects of the ICT infrastructure. This special issue ...

A P2P approach to energy production

Full title: “A peer-to-peer approach to energy production“, co-authored by Chris Giotitsas, Alex Pazaitis & Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: This paper strives to provide a theoretical study for energy production and distribution. We thus examine and discuss the evolution of energy systems technologies and their impact on the global socio-economic structure. We critically analyze the evolution ...

Policy recommendations for a commons-based society

Special issue for the Journal of Peer Production: “Policies for the Commons“, co-edited by George Dafermos & Vasilis Kostakis.

Peer production and desktop manufacturing: The case of the Helix_T wind turbine project

Full title: “Peer production and desktop manufacturing: The case of the Helix_T wind turbine“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, Michail Fountouklis & Wolfgang Drechsler. Summary: Through the case of the Helix_T wind turbine project, this article sets out to argue two points: first, on a theoretical level, that commons-based peer production, in conjunction with the emerging ...