Ongoing projects

The P2P Lab is working on the following projects: “Cosmolocalism” – A European Research Council project (site) “Exploring a post-growth political economy” (site soon) “Distributed Design Market Platform” – A Creative Europe project (site) “Centrinno” – An H2020 project (site) “Smooth” – An H2020 project (site) “T-Factor” – An H2020 project (site) “ComPra” – An Erasmus+ ...

Assessing the democratization, innovation and sustainability potential of “design global, manufacture local”

Summary: The goal of this multiphase, pilot-driven project is to explore the contours of an emerging mode of production that builds on the confluence of the digital commons of knowledge, software, and design with local manufacturing technologies (e.g. from 3D printing and CNC machines to low-tech tools and crafts).  This convergence could play a key role in ...

Wikiart: Commoning artistic expression

This project tries to answer whether a theatrical play or a piece of music, inspired by the social design of Wikipedia, could be developed as a digital commons. Building on two old relevant pilots of the P2P Lab community, we will further explore what lessons can be drawn from commons-based peer production with regards to art (in ...

P2P: The commons manifesto

Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis and Alex Pazaitis are writing a new book  to be published by Westminster University Press (low-cost paperback, free ebook). Moreover, previous versions of it have been published in French (Manifeste pour une véritable économie collaborative, Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer editions, 2017) and Dutch (Peer-to-peer: Manifest voor een commons transitie,  Oikos, 2017). This is also ...

The potential of digital commons to spur technological advance

Summary: This project will include two in-depth case studies of prominent digital commons cases which have arguably propelled much innovation and entrepreneurial activity. First, we will study the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) patent which expired in 2005 and has widely been used in the 3D printing industry. A comparative data analysis before and after the ...

Should law keep pace with technology?

Full title: “Should law keep pace with technology? Law as katechon“, co-authored by Wolfgang Drechsler & Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: It is a commonly held belief that the law is unable to keep up with the fierce technological development and innovation that denotes our times. The current essay attempts to show that this characteristic of the law ...

Towards an open co-operativism

Full title: “From the communism of capital to capital for the commons: Towards an open co-operativism“, co-authored by Michel Bauwens & Vasilis Kostakis. Summary: Two prominent social progressive movements are faced with a few contradictions and a paradox. On the one side, we have a re-emergence of the co-operative movement and worked-owned enterprises which suffer ...

Policy recommendations for a commons-based society

Special issue for the Journal of Peer Production: “Policies for the Commons“, co-edited by George Dafermos & Vasilis Kostakis.

Network society and future scenarios for a collaborative economy

Full title: “Network society and future scenarios for a collaborative economy“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Michel Bauwens. Summary: The aim of this book is not to provide yet another critique of capitalism but rather to contribute to the ongoing dialogue for post-capitalist construction, and to discuss how another world could be possible. We build ...

The parody of the commons

Full title: “The parody of the commons“, co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis & Stelios Stavroulakis. Summary: This essay builds on the idea that commons-based peer production is a social advancement within capitalism but with various post-capitalistic aspects, in need of protection, enforcement, stimulation and connection with progressive social movements. We use theory and examples to claim ...